Klinic Community Health Centre After almost 30 years at 870 Portage Ave., Klinic Community Health had reached its capacity and was experiencing issues providing efficient and effective primary care services.
Acute Stroke Unit ft3 is privileged to have implemented this integrated inpatient unit for acute stroke care and rehabilitation, a first of its kind in Manitoba. The framework for designing the new unit evolved from a value-focused thinking approach , including an expert team of interdisciplinary staff who identified what was considered important for inpatient stroke rehabilitation.
God’s Lake First Nation Nursing Station The dramatic angular winged canopy captures the powerful gesture of the majestic thunderbird. This wing-span cleverly accentuates the main entry, guiding all visitors to enter within. The symbolic black, white, red and yellow colours of God’s Lake First Nation are utilized in materials such as the roofing material and the thunderbird flooring inlay.
HSC Transplant Manitoba Clinic Considered a “one stop shop” with a consolidation of services within this ambulatory care clinic, transplant patients will now be able to attend their weekly appointments, receive lab work, visit educators and meet with clinical staff without leaving the floor.
Beatrice Wilson Health Centre Working closely with the OCN community, ft3 developed a facility that spoke to their key issues: dignity and safety. These were integral to all aspects of the design. The design focused on conveying an organic feel.
St Boniface Clinic A large exterior beacon, lit from within, claims the corner to identify the clinic. A modern façade pushes out to the street illuminating the building overall, further addressing the challenges of a corner lot.
Bethesda Regional Health Centre In Progress The redesign scope consisted of a comprehensive review of the main entrance and exterior ramp to address barrier-free access to the facility. The project included community consultation from the onset planning stage and a “best practice” universal accessibility approach to improve and ease the user experience.
Grace Hospital, South Parking Lot Expansion Completed The Grace Hospital South Parking Lot Expansion demonstrates excellence in addressing a broad range of mobility and physical impairments.