God’s Lake First Nation Nursing Station

God’s Lake Narrows First Nation, MB
2,400 m2 / 25,833 ft2
ft3 Role
Prime Consultant

A new Health Canada nursing station and residences for 13 staff providing emergency, outpatient clinic, diagnostic (lab and x-ray), pharmacy, and community health services for God's Lake First Nation. ft3 conducted community consultation as part of the design process to confirm appropriate service delivery, including addressing renal dialysis and other program needs in the community. Further discussions informed the concept development of the project, engaging the local population in material, colour, and guiding principles of the design idea.

The dramatic angular wing canopy represents the majestic eagle, a powerful symbolic gesture. The wing span cleverly accentuates the main entry, guiding all visitors to enter within. The white, black, red and yellow colours of the God’s Lake First Nation flag are utilized in materials such as the roofing and the Thunderbird flooring inlay