Ruzela Blumenstein





Architectural Technologist

ft3 Project Highlight:

Workers Compensation Board

Ruzela Blumenstein’s creativity has always drawn from logic, so when choosing between architecture and architectural technology, she chose the latter. Ruzela graduated from Red River College’s Architectural Technology program where she maintained a cumulative GPA of 4.19; A+ in all Revit and AutoCAD classes, becoming the program’s gold medal recipient.

Joining the firm as an architectural technologist in 2022, Ruzela works closely beside interior designers and architects in the firm’s Corporate Office and Health & Wellness areas. Her expertise lies in architectural detailing—the tiny details—that impact a space for its users.

She recognizes that architecture has a parallel relationship with the evolution of technology and enjoys the challenges that come with addressing complex infrastructure like Heritage buildings. Ruzela describes herself as a curious cat, and copying details over from other projects will not suffice. She asks questions, and feeds her curiosity to enhance her skillset, and for that, she earns another gold medal.