Dauphin Regional Health Centre, New Emergency Department Redevelopment Three Green Globes Certification
On Nov 24, 2020, the Dauphin Regional Health Centre Emergency Department Redevelopment project was awarded a rating of Three Globes under the Green Globes New Construction v2 Certification building performance assessment certification process. This award required achieving an overall rating of 56% based on a series of specific criteria organized as seven modules: Project Management; Site; Energy; Water; Resources; Emissions; and Indoor Environment.
The Emergency Department project was the renovation of a one-storey, 2,362 m² existing hospital space, plus a building addition with a new link to the PCH. The new ED/SCU includes an enclosed ambulance garage, decontamination room, trauma/resuscitation room, exam rooms, treatment room, triage, waiting, observation room, special care room, supply/utility rooms and other support areas. Heating is provided by high pressure steam from existing boilers in the Power Plant. Cooling is provided by chilled water from the chiller plant.
Dauphin Regional Health Centre is located in Climate Zone 7 and the building’s energy use is partially offset with the purchase of off-site renewable energy credits (green power to offset carbon emissions). Additionally, the embodied carbon footprint of construction is reduced through purchased carbon offsets.
Green building features include:
- Use of eco-friendly construction materials with Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) or other third party certifications.
- Low VOC emissions from furnishings, flooring, acoustic ceilings, paints, adhesives, sealants and other interior building products.
- Natural daylight from clerestory windows brightens the space.
- Energy efficient lighting, mechanical features, and building envelope.
- 35% water use reduction over the baseline plumbing fixture performance.
- 78% of construction and demolition waste diverted from landfill.
The parties that participated in this project included: Prairie Mountain Health (client); ft3 Architecture Landscape Interior Design (architect), SMS Engineering (mechanical and electrical engineer), Crosier Kilgour & Partners (structural engineer), Barnes & Duncan (civil engineer), Demand Side Energy (commissioning agent), and Horizon Builders Ltd. (contractor).